To import data from Relate Accounts Production (RAP) to BrightAccountsProduction you must have a valid dataset backup from RAP, a .rdb file. When the backup has been created you will be able to proceed to importing it to BrightAccountsProduction.
To view the different procedures, click the links below:
Importing from Relate Accounts Production (RAP)
You can import a .rdb file from RAP. BrightAccountsProduction allows you to import datasets in two ways which are described below.
Importing Dataset for an Existing Client
- On the Clients and Accounts page, click the plus icon to expand the appropriate client row.
- Click the Import Dataset icon.
- On the Information Message window, click Import to proceed.
- Click Choose File and select the required dataset (.rdb file) from the location it is saved.
- Read the Confirmation Message carefully and if you wish to continue to import, click Continue.
- On the import page, click Import.
The financial years and organisation types of the client and that in the dataset must
If the client and dataset codes and name do not match, Bright AP will still import the
.rdb file for the client in Bright AP. - On the Confirmation window, tick the datatypes you want to import or, to import the full dataset, tick Full Dataset Import and click Import.
- On the Information Message window, read the message carefully and if you are okay, click Import to proceed.
- The dataset is imported successfully.
Creating a Client by Importing a Dataset
- Log in to Bright AP. The Clients and Accounts page appears.
- On the Clients and Accounts page, click Import > Relate Accounts Production.
- As per the message at the top of the import screen, BrightAccountsProduction only allows for the import of one dataset per client, it is vital that you choose the most up to date dataset to import. Click Choose File, browse to the location of the RAP backup, the .rdb file, or drag and drop the file to the center of the page.
- To import the file, click Import. If the client code already exists on Bright AP, you will be required to change the client code.
- Amend the client code in the Client Code box, as shown below and click Import to proceed. The next few steps are optional and indicated accordingly.
- Optional. If you also access BrightBooks, our cloud-hosted accounting software with the same credentials as Bright AP, you may link the business you will be creating on Bright AP with a business on BrightBooks. To link, click Link. Else, to just import, click Import.
- Optional. On the Select BrightBooks Business window, click the required business and click Next.
- To import, on the Confirmation window, click Import.
- On the Confirmation window, tick one or more dataset types to import or, to import the full dataset, tick Full Dataset Import and click Import.
- If the dataset is a bookkeeping dataset you will be asked to confirm that you want to import this data and use a bookkeeping license.
- When all of the information messages have cleared the dataset will begin to import to BrightAccountsProduction.
- The import routine brings in all current year journals, 5 years worth of comparative figures which will be populated to the ‘Comparatives’ module, all transactional bookkeeping data, customer, suppliers etc. The routine also imports every selection which has been made in the compliance database and any information which has been added, additional to the default information provided.
- When the import has completed a notification will appear on screen.
- You will be asked to confirm which staff members will have access to this business, tick the staff members as required and select Save.
- When the import has completed the dataset will open on Trial Balance screen.
When you link, the business in BrightBooks is also updated by the dataset you import to
If you just import, the business on BrightBooks will not be linked or updated.
Importing from Sage Accounts Production (SAP)
You import an .ads file from SAP.
- Log in to Bright AP. The Clients and Accounts page appears.
- On the Clients and Accounts page, click Import > Sage Accounts Production.
- The import page appears. Read the message carefully and then click Choose File and select .ads file or drag and drop the .ads file on the page.
- The file is uploaded. To import the file, click Import.
- In imported transactions & Comparative Journals, the default Fund Code is set as UnrestGen01.
- In imported transactions & Comparative Journals, the default Activity Code is set as CostCharActs01 (only for PL Codes).
- In imported transactions & Comparative Journals, no default is Cost Code is set.
Importing and Updating a Business on BrightBooks
Complete the following steps:
Create a Business on BrightBooks
- Log in to BrightBooks as an accountant and create a business. Note that the login credentials must be the same as that in BrightAccountsProduction.
Verify the Business and Data on BrightAccountsProduction
Log in to BrightAccountsProduction with the same credentials and verify the business is available.
Now, you can link the business on both BrightAccountsProduction and BrightBooks and then import dataset or just import the dataset from RAP.
Suggested Additional Topic
Link the Business and Import Dataset
- On the Clients and Accounts page, click Import > Relate Accounts Production.
- On the page, click Choose File and select the appropriate .rdb file from the local disk.
The currencies and financial years in the business and dataset must match.
Backup RAP Data