BrightBooks offers the following banking reports. You can generate the reports by specifying one or more criteria.
Receipts Report
This report displays the details or summary of receipts based on the criteria you have set. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
- Log in to BrightBooks. The Business page appears.
- On the Business page, locate the required business by completing either of the following steps.
- In the Search box on the top right corner, enter the name of the business fully or partially and click the search icon. The business summary will appear under the Select a Business heading.
- The business summary is available under the Select a Business heading. If you cannot find it, at the bottom-right corner of the page, click 100 to increase the number of records to be displayed on the page. The business summary will be available under the Select a Business heading.
- Under the Select a Business heading, click the name of the business.
- The Customers page appears. On the Customers page, in the left panel, click Reports.
- The Reports page appears. On the Reports page, under the BANKING heading, click Receipts Report.
- The Customer Receipts Report page appears. On the Receipts Report page, enter the following criteria, as required.
Click and select a pre-configured date range. | |
DATE FROM | Select the date from which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
DATE TO | Select the date till which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
TYPE | Select the report type you want to generate. For example, if you select Customer, the report heading will display Customer Receipts report. |
PMT. TYPE | Select the payment method. |
DOC. NO. FROM | Select the document number from which you want to view report. |
DOC. NO. TO | Select the document number till which you want to view report. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager. |
BANK | Select the bank. |
CURRENCY | Select the currency. |
- To generate the report, click [Run]. The report is generated based on the criteria you set.
To add or remove columns in the report, click [Advanced Settings] and then from
Advanced Settings window, add or remove the required columns and click [Update].
Now, the report offers additional columns: Bank Name, Type and Department.
To print the report, click [Print].
To save the report in the excel format, click [Excel].
To save the report to the local disk in the PDF format, click [Save].
To email the report, click the [Email].
Payments Report
- This report shows all supplier payments details based on the criteria you have set.
- Complete steps 1 to 4 as given in Managing Banking Reports.
- On the Reports page, under the BANKING heading, click Payments Report.
- The Payments Report page appears. On the Payments Report page, enter the following criteria, as required.
Click and select a pre-configured date range. | |
DATE FROM | Select the date from which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
DATE TO | Select the date till which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
TYPE | Select the contact type. The generated report heading depends on the selection. For example, if you select Supplier Payments, the report heading will be Supplier Payments. |
PMT. TYPE | Select the payment method. |
DOC. NO. START | Select the document number from which you want to view report. |
DOC. NO. END | Select the document number till which you want to view report. |
BANK | Select the bank account. |
- To generate the report, click [Report]. The report is generated based on the criteria you have specified.
To add or remove columns in the report, click [Advanced Settings] and then from
Advanced Settings window, add or remove the required columns and click [Update].
Now, the report offers additional columns: Bank Name, Type and Department.
To print the report, click [Print].
To save the report in the excel format, click [Excel].
To save the report to the local disk in the PDF format, click [Save].
To email the report, click the [Email].
Bank Reconciliation
- This report shows bank reconciliation reports based on a date you have specified. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
- On the Reports page, under the BANKING heading, click Bank Reconciliation.
- The Bank Reconciliation Report page appears. On the Bank Reconciliation Report page, enter the following details and click [Run].
- The report is generated based on the criteria you have specified.