This release comprises of the following compliance changes in February 2024.
School Template Amendments
Notes to the Financial Statements
- As per the FSSU guidelines and Section 15(3) of the Education Act, we have introduced two new Fixed Asset Nominal Codes 1406 and 1416 respectively, for the removal of Land and Buildings from the Balance Sheet of the produced accounts.
- We have introduced a new Compliance Database option to replace the term "Expenditure" with "Amortization" in the Notes to the Financial Statements of the produced accounts. To switch the terms, select the Show amortization instead of expenditure in Contributions towards Fixed Asset note? option under Compliance Database > Disclosure, Dates and Signing >Presentation.
Credit Union Template Amendment
We have introduced three new nominal codes 976.03, 977.03 and 978.03 which will display the postings related to those codes visible in the Cash flow Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity and Balance Sheet pages of the produced accounts.