The Practice Details section enables the practices to enter their own details at a global level. The Practice Details will then be displayed in each individual clients compliance database. These details can be changed on a client by client basis or globally, if needed.
Entering Practice Details
Bright has now consolidated all its products under a single roof, BrightHub. With the BrightHub consolidation implemented, some of the inputs for Practice Details can now only be added from BrightHub. You will find the steps to do the same here.
To view the fetched details from BrightHub and to enter other Practice Details, go to the Clients and Accounts screen and choose the ‘Practice Details’ from the left panel. Note: In order to access these details you should not have any client data open. If a clients name is displaying in the top right corner you will not be able to access ‘Practice Details’. To close out of client data simply click on the clients name from the top right.
On the Practice Details screen there are three tabs; Practice, Presenter and Other.
Practice Details
The information required here is as follows:
Name | Practice Name (fetched from BrightHub) |
Merger Details | Enter name of any practice which has been merged with your practice. |
Address | Practice Address (fetched from BrightHub) |
Contact Details | Phone, Email and Practice Website. (Phone number fetched from BrightHub) |
Auditor’s /Accountant’s Firm Description (E.G Chartered Accountants) | Description of firm, displays at the bottom of the Auditor/Accountant’s report. |
Auditor’s /Accountant’s Status (E.G Statutory Auditors) | Displays at the bottom of the Auditor/Accountant’s report. |
Name of Professional Body | Specify the Professional Body that the practice is associated with, e.g., Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. |
You can now update the Accountant/Auditor Name and address details at a global level. To update the Accountant/Auditor Name and address details for datasets, complete the following steps:
- On the Practice Details screen, update the Name and address details fields, as required and click Update to Dataset.
- In the Update Accountant/Auditor Name and Address window, select the required option:
All DRAFT Sets Of Accounts: This option will be selected by default and will update Practice's name and address of all open Sets Of Accounts as Accountant/Auditor name and address.
All Sets Of Accounts: This option and will update Practice's name and address of all open and closed down Sets Of Accounts as Accountant/Auditor name and address.
For closed down datasets, the Accountant/Auditor name and address details will only be updated in the Compliance Database, if produce accounts was performed before the change was made. In such case, if you change the Accounts status to Not Started and the perform produce accounts, the updated Accountant/Auditor name and address will be reflected.
This section is applicable only for practices filing to Companies House in the UK on behalf of clients required to file to Companies House. Companies House will provide you with a Presenter ID and Authentication Code, these details need to be entered here.
The ‘Next Submission No’ should be set to be sequential for each filing, but it must never have been used in conjunction with the Presenter ID from any software previously.
Each company which you are filing for will also be given an Authentication Code which must be entered in the clients’ Compliance Database > Client Details > Key Information.