If the staff member logged in has been verified as an authorised sender and email addresses and mobile numbers have been entered into the compliance database for those who are signing, you are now ready to prepare a document to be sent for signing.
- Browse to the Produce Accounts screen. Any document which can be electronically signed will have a blue E-Sign icon to the right, only documents which have signature pages\lines can be sent for signing.
- There are no restrictions imposed as to when a document can be sent for signing, we urge that the accounts are proof read and ready to be signed before starting this process. After proof reading the accounts and confirming that they can be sent for signing click on the E-Sign icon. The confirmation pop up will appear. Select Continue.
- A screen will appear asking you to confirm signatory details. This screen will list each officer who has a signing order in the Compliance Database, their email address and mobile numbers. If the director’s details are not correct they can be updated directly on this screen.
- You can also choose to send this document to the Auditor or Accountant, any member of staff of the practice can be selected as a signatory using the ‘Staff’ dropdown. Their email will auto populate as the email they use to log in to Bright Accounts Production. A valid mobile number must be provided.
- If there is an external auditor or accountant signing the accounts you can enter these details manually using the ‘External Auditor\Accountant Signing’ option at the bottom of this screen.
- When all of the above details have been verified select ‘Next’. The next screen shows an overview of who is sending the request, who is receiving the request and the file name. You will also be informed that a one time passcode will be generated and sent to the mobile numbers entered for each director, the document cannot be signed without these passcodes. Select Send for E-Signing.
- You will be advised that the document will be sent for signing, select Send. The document will be received by each person listed as signing, along with the required passcode.