- The person listed as a signatory in the Compliance Database will receive an email advising them that their signature has been requested on a document. The email will contain a link; click on the link.
- The signer will be redirected to HelloSign where they can now start the signing process. They must first enter the alpha numeric code sent to the mobile number associated with the signer.
- Select ‘Get Started’ top right corner.
- You will be brought to the first location where your signature is required. Click on the signature box to sign.
- 3 options are provided to enter signatures; you can draw the signature, type it in and choose a font, or upload an image of your signature. Choose your preferred option and select either ‘Insert’ or ‘Insert Everywhere’ if multiple signatures are required.
- Select ‘Continue’ top right corner to proceed through the document and complete signing.
- The signer will need to ‘Agree’ to the terms of service of HelloSign and to be legally bound by the document. The document is now signed.
- When the document has been fully signed by all signers a finalized copy will be emailed to each person listed.
- The document can then also be downloaded from within Bright Accounts Production.